Thursday, May 28, 2009

20 Week Ultrasound!

This was my 'gender' ultrasound at my doctor's office. We couldn't wait until 20 weeks to find out the sex so we went back to Prenatal Vision at 15 weeks to have a gender ultrasound done which is out of pocket but SO worth it! I must say that she is STILL a girl....thank goodness! She looks great and everything is right on track. She weighs 10 oz. Her heartbeat was 151. I'm measuring right at 20 weeks.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

18 Week Ultrasound

I had an ultrasound today....just for fun. I'm addicted to them. I was when I was pregnant with Jakobe too. Callie looks great! I'm measuring right at 18 weeks. She weighs 7 oz and is 8 inches long. Her heartbeat was a steady 158 bmp. I can't wait to see her again in another 2 weeks!

She's giving us the thumbs up!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

4 Months!

I am now 16 weeks pregnant. I feel FANTASTIC!!! I haven't felt this great since before I was pregnant. I have absolutely no more sickness and no tiredness. I feel great! I can feel her move quite often which is fun. My cravings have been pickles, Twizzlers, Twix Bars, and Turkey Bacon. I feel and look better than I have in a long time. I'm actually enjoying pregnancy this time around! My next doctor's appt. is on May 28th.