Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2 months old!

Look at her long fingers.

She has lost some of her hair but still has quite a bit left.

It's hard to believe that little miss Callie Jane is already 2 months old! She is really starting to show some personality. She loves to smile and she has a beautiful smile. She has just started to coo within the past couple days. She weighs 9 lbs 4 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. She loves bath time. She also loves to be held. She likes tummy time and is getting really good at holding her head up. She can hold it up on her own for up to 30-45 seconds at a time. She is most comfortable sleeping on her side or on her tummy. She is very good sleeping at night. She will get up between 1-2 times a night. We feed her around 9:30 at night then we go to bed. She will wake again around 2:30 am to eat and again around 5:30 am to eat. I have to get up at 5:45 to get ready for work so her schedule is perfect. She drinks 3-4 oz at a time about every 3-4 hours. She has been at daycare for almost a week now and is doing really well. Her teachers Dolly and Ginger tell us that she smiles a lot and loves to look at the hanging gym and loves floor time. Her teachers are absolutely amazing. They are so great with the newborns. We are lucky to have both kids in such a great daycare! Callie sleeps most of the morning and is awake most of the evening which is fun. When she is laying on her back she can actually turn her body onto her side. She loves to look at the flashing Christmas tree lights. She is just absolutely adorable. I still put bows on her head everyday. She is my little ladybug. She is in size newborn diapers. She had her 2 month check up last week and is in perfect health. She got her shots and screamed for a good 3 minutes. Poor girl. She is getting cuter and cuter by the day. We love her so much. We have her professional 2 month pictures and our Christmas pictures this Saturday. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful family. Every day is so exciting....you never know what new things the kids will do or learn.