Tuesday, March 10, 2009

8 weeks

Here is my nice bruise from my IV last week. I must admit that I'm continuing to feel much better. I have hit the 8 week mark. 2 months already. I can't believe it. I'm extrememly tired. No matter how much sleep I get it's never enough. My appetite is really starting to come back from being so sick. My favorite thing to eat right now is plain spaghetti noodles with parmasean cheese on it. Yum. My belly is starting to grow a little bit. My pants are getting tighter although others can't tell I'm pregnant yet. I'm going to need that belly band soon ;)I still have bursts of nausea but it's nothing my nausea medicine can't fix. I will start my monthly pregnancy pictures at 3 months.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Here We Go Again......

On Monday, I was admitted to the hospital for dehydration. I received 2 bags of fluid and was given Zofran (nausea medicine)through my IV. I was there for almost 5 hours. When I left I felt a little better, however, the nausea was still there. I have been fighting severe nausea for the past week now. It is now Friday and my nausea medication is finally starting to work. I am FINALLY starting to feel better. Hopefully this was the worst of it. I tell you one thing.....being pregnant and sick the first time wasn't that bad compared to this time. I could lay on the couch and rest when I needed, but, being pregnant, sick, and having a 1 year old is an entirely different story. Luckily David has been great at not only taking care of me but taking care of Jakobe too.

My next doctor's appointment is on March 24th.