Monday, August 24, 2009

8 Months!

I am now 32 weeks pregnant. I am officially done with this pregnancy. I do not want to be pregnant anymore. I was doing really well all up until I hit 30 weeks then everything just came at once. Tiredness, back pain, numbness in my hands and fingers, difficulty breathing, and extreme swelling. I have gained a total of 35 lbs so far. At my last appointment everything looked perfect. Her heartbeat was a strong 160 BPM and my belly measured right at 31 cm. Right on target....even though I look huge I'm right where I should be. The doctor also told me to be prepared to deliver around the end of September instead of October. She said that typically you deliver your second around the same time as your first (I was 3 weeks early with Jakobe) and she also said that since my torso is so small the baby will basically run out of room to grow and will have no where else to go but out. I was super excited when she told me this. I am so ready, David is so ready.....Jakobe on the other hand....has no idea what is about to happen! Oh and Jakobe can stand under my belly and I can't see him. That's how big my belly is!

1 comment:

  1. I hope for your sake you deliver in September! I remember how ready to go I was (Logan was 3 weeks early as well) so that is nice to know that second babies usually come around the same time as firsts because I can't imagine going any longer than I did. That's wonderful everything is going perfect with Callie! Hang in there this last month!
