Monday, September 21, 2009

9 months! Almost There!

I am now 36 weeks pregnant and wondering when our little ladybug will decide to show up. I'm more anxious than ever. I am extremely swollen and retaining a lot of fluid. I have gained a total of 45 pounds. I'm continuing to have contractions daily and yes, they are getting painful. She has finally dropped so now I can breathe again. I'm super tired and the numbness in my hands is worse than ever. My stomach is so stretched out that it itches and burns. I have been putting lotion on and wrapping my belly in seran wrap. It can't stretch any further. Ouch. I know that she will be here shortly and we all are so excited. My guess is this Thursday, the 24th but we will see. She'll come when she wants to! I just can't wait to see, hold, and kiss my little ladybug and introduce her to her big brother!

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