Thursday, January 7, 2010

Callie 3 Months Old.

Callie is 3 months old. It's hard to believe. It seems like I just had her yesterday. She weighs 10 lbs 7 oz. She is such a little sweetheart. She loves Jakobe so much and he loves her too. She looks for him and wants him to come over and play with her. When he does she smiles and coos at him. Jakobe says 'hi sissy' to her a lot. When I pick up the kids from daycare, Jakobe goes right over to Callie and puts his face in hers and says hi. When he wakes up in the morning the first thing he does is go and look for her. It's so cute. I love how close they already are. Callie has a cold right now but is getting antibiotics and Nebulizer treatments to help with it. When she is not sick she smiles a ton, giggles a lot, and coos. She holds her head up very well now. She is getting 2 teeth, however, the doctor said they might not poke through for a while. She is super close to rolling over. She will lay on her back and roll onto her side but then gets stuck there. It will be any day now. She is still in size newborn diapers and in size 0-3 month clothes. I love her big dark eyes. They are so pretty. We call her our little drama queen. She's so dramatic about everything. She even bats her eyes. She is so sweet and so freaking adorable. I love love love having a boy and a girl. I get the very best of both worlds. We are so lucky to have such beautiful children. They are so much fun and bring so much joy into our lives and others lives. We love them so much. Now, it's time to plan a birthday party for someone who is about to turn 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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