Monday, April 27, 2009

15 Week Ultrasound

We went to get an ultrasound to tell the sex of the baby on Friday, April 24th. I was 15 weeks pregnant. The technician warned me that it might be too early to be able to detect the sex of the baby. She said she has never told a customer this early and didn't want me to be disappointed. She began the ultrasound. Checked the baby's organs, bones, and counted 10 fingers and 10 toes. Everything looked great. Baby's heartbeat was 154. Baby weighed in at 4 oz. She said my fluid level looked great which was making it easy for her to see the baby. Then all of a sudden the legs spread. 1,2,3 little lines. I shouted, ''IT'S A GIRL!" David said, "What?" I said, "It's a girl....look at the 3 lines." I began to get tears in my eyes. I was so excited. I couldn't believe we were going to get a little girl. I really, really, really wanted a girl. This is our last baby we are having so it was this one or never. Throughout the rest of the ultrasound she kept giving us the shot. We got about 5 good girl shots. David said to the technician, "So is it safe to tell people we are having a girl?" She said, "Oh yeah, it's definitely a girl." I have been on cloud 9 ever since!!!

In this video of the ultrasound, you can see her swallowing. It's really neat. Watch her mouth.

IT'S A..................


The 3 lines in this picture that the arrow is pointing to show it's a girl!

These are the cupcakes my mom made for me to bring to work to share the exciting news that we were having a baby girl! Thanks mom!

David and I are so excited that we are going to get our little girl!!! Jakobe is going to have a little sister! A boy and a girl, how perfect. We have decided on the name Callie Jane Sitrick for our little girl.

Monday, April 20, 2009

12 Week Ultrasound

I had my first trimester screening on April 6th, 2009. Everything looked great and it was fun to see baby again. I have gained 2 lbs total so far. The baby measured 2 1/2 inches. Heartbeat was 168 bpm. I measured 12 weeks and 4 days.

I have been feeling a little bit better lately. I am now 14 weeks. I just got over having food poisoning. Not fun! Other than that I am doing pretty well. No more tiredness and hardly any nausea. I'm staying away from greasy and fatty foods because they do upset my stomach. My cravings have been pickles and twizzlers. We are going to TRY to find out the baby's sex this Friday although I will only be 15 weeks so it may be too early.

Profile picture of baby.
The picture to the is putting hand up on face and the picture to the right baby is waving.