Monday, April 20, 2009

12 Week Ultrasound

I had my first trimester screening on April 6th, 2009. Everything looked great and it was fun to see baby again. I have gained 2 lbs total so far. The baby measured 2 1/2 inches. Heartbeat was 168 bpm. I measured 12 weeks and 4 days.

I have been feeling a little bit better lately. I am now 14 weeks. I just got over having food poisoning. Not fun! Other than that I am doing pretty well. No more tiredness and hardly any nausea. I'm staying away from greasy and fatty foods because they do upset my stomach. My cravings have been pickles and twizzlers. We are going to TRY to find out the baby's sex this Friday although I will only be 15 weeks so it may be too early.

Profile picture of baby.
The picture to the is putting hand up on face and the picture to the right baby is waving.

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