Monday, June 1, 2009

5 Months!

I am now 20 weeks pregnant. It's hard to believe. This pregnancy is going so fast! It helps that I feel fantastic! Like I said before, this pregnancy has been completely different than my first pregnancy. Thank god! :) I have gained a total of 6 pounds now. My belly is huge! I'm definitely a lot bigger this time around. The fun thing is that I feel her move and kick me a lot. Not so much during the day but when I go to lay down at night I feel her moving all over. I am able to place my hand on my stomach and feel her kick now. It's very exciting! Oh and I'm now craving Strawberries! Something healthy for once! We got her crib and dresser ordered yesterday and it will be here in July! My next doctor's appt is June 24th.

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