Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6 months!

Holy Belly! Where did that thing come from? I am now 24 weeks pregnant. My belly has definitely popped. I have now gained a total of 16 pounds. Wow! I feel her move all the time. I have figured her schedule out. She wakes up around 9:30...then again after lunch.....then around 5:00 and again when I lay down to go to bed. It is so much fun to feel her move and kick although some kicks are starting to be a little painful. With her just being a little under 2 lbs she still has some weight to put on though which means harder and stronger kicks from her in the future. I am still craving Strawberries and now Snickers. I have to say that I feel absolutely great! I have been having a little back pain sometimes when I lay down at night if I've been on my feet a lot that day and my feet seem to be swelling. Some days better than others but overall I feel absolutely great! My belly button has half way popped out and Jakobe likes to try to push it in. He also likes to pound on my belly. Which does hurt. He just doesn't get it quite yet. He will soon, hopefully. My next appt. is July 22nd and I have to drink the nasty Glucola drink to test for gestational diabetes.

1 comment:

  1. I like your outfit! And your belly! :) That's so fun that you can tell her schedule. I hope you continue to feel great!!!
