Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Callie's Baby Shower!!!

Thank you to my mother-in-law, Tara, for throwing me a wonderful baby shower for little miss Callie. It was great to have everyone there. Thank you again for all of the wonderful presents for her. She is so lucky to be so loved.

The delicious food.

Look at all of Callie's presents!
The decorations.
Some of the guests.Porn for New Moms book from Aunt Trudy! LOVE IT!!!
The adorable Poodle shirt from my mom. It is perfect......since we have a Poodle!

The adorable fur coat from great grandma Marilyn.
Her pink Polo dress from David's mom.
Giving Kaley kisses!
The proud grandmas!!!
Jakobe at his sister's baby shower.
Many generations. Tara Sitrick (grandma), Myself, Jakobe, Jane Paulsen (grandma), Marilyn Boettcher (great-grandma), and Bev (grammy) Sitrick (great-grandma).

The belly!
Kaley and I. Love you Pineapple!
Great Grammy!
Mommy and Daddy. 6 months pregnant.
Jakobe all tuckered out from a fun day at the baby shower.

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