Monday, July 27, 2009

7 Months!

I am now 28 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I feel wonderful. I feel her move ALL the time. She is so active. Way more active than Jakobe ever was in my belly. Her movements are painful at times. Especially when she flips over. It really hurts. I still love feeling her move and kick. I have gained 5 pounds since last month. Putting me at a total weight gain of 21 pounds so far. Her heartbeat was 150 bpm. I had the glucola test to test for gestational diabetes....I passed! The doctor measured my belly and it measured right on track at 28 cm. I am still eating lots and lots of Strawberries and Snickers Blizzards. My belly button has also popped out already. I am now down to doctor's appointments every two weeks. I have a 28 week ultrasound this Wednesday. It's my birthday present from my husband. I can't wait to see Callie and see how much she has grown since her last ultrasound at 20 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bump!! Congratulations! Your look fantastic! :-) Have loved reading your blog! I Just had my first baby, such a wonderful experience. Did you already choose the name? Have a glance here it's a great site to search names by popularity and origin. Finger and toes crossed for you and your baby! Jo
