Monday, July 27, 2009

Callie's 2nd Baby Shower!

Callie is already spoiled and she's not even here yet. She was lucky and got two baby showers. The first one was for family and the second one was for friends. Thank you to all my friends who came out to celebrate. Callie got a TON of presents. What a great day!

The cake. The presents.
Some of the guests. There were about 20 of my friends there.
Opening gifts.
Her adorable air brushed sign to go on her bedroom door. Jakobe has one too. Thanks Luke!
Jessica holding Bella. Ashley (Bella's mom) and Meghan holding her son, Carson.
Jakobe and Taylor.

Jakobe has a busy day and was extremely tired when all of the guests left. He's sleeping on the couch.

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