Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1 Month Old!

Her new ladybug headband!!! Grandpa Mark and Grandma Jane will LOVE this! Ha ha. Sorry guys!

Callie is already a month old! She weighs 7 lbs 15 oz. She still has all of her hair which has turned from black to brown and dark eyes. She is much more alert and is awake for longer periods of time. She can hold her head up for seconds at a time. She makes funny noises all the time and even when she eats. She's a hogger. She eats 3 1/2 oz every 4 hours. She is a good sleeper....even at night. She's good about staying on her schedule. She is a very sweet baby. She does like to be held. We love her so much and feel so lucky to have two beautiful, sweet children.
Callie will start daycare on November 16th, that's when I go back to work. I'm ready to go back to work but I'm no where close to ready to leave my little ladybug. She will be fine though. She's going to the same daycare as Jakobe. Koalaty Time Encore. It's a great daycare!
Jakobe is continuing to get better with her. He still gives her her pacifier and bottle. He gives her kisses every now and then. He still is showing some signs of jealousy every once in a while. Like if I'm feeding her and he wants something he will try to pull me away from her or try to pull her out of my arms. He will throw a fit until I tend to him. I honestly can't complain though. He is doing great adjusting to his new sister. Soon, they will be playing together. That will be so much fun! Mommy hood is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

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