Monday, November 23, 2009

First Day at Daycare

Today, November 23rd, 2009. 7 weeks and 4 days old Callie started daycare. I wasn't nearly as nervous dropping her off as I was Jakobe. I knew her teachers well and knew what to expect from when Jakobe was in the newborn room. Her teachers said she had a good day. She spent some time in the bouncy seat with the jungle gym and relaxed in the swing. I wasn't however, ready for her reaction when I picked her up. It actually made me a little sad. I'm so used to arriving at daycare to pick up Jakobe and when he sees me he drops his toy, screams with excitement, and runs towards me with open arms. When I arrived at daycare to pick up both kids I went to Callie's room first. I was so anxious to hear how her first day went. I was so excited to see her. But when I saw her she just looked up at me with a blank stare. For some reason I was expecting a reaction from her like I get from Jakobe, you know, the running toward me while screaming with a big smile on her face, which obviously doesn't make ANY sense since she is only 7 weeks old but it really made me sad. Then I began to think how Jakobe started to smile at me around 3 months old when I arrived to pick him up. Either way, it won't be long before she is running toward me with open arms and a big smile! Here are some pictures from her first day at daycare.

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