Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baby's 1st Picture- 6 weeks 4 days

Ok, I was wrong, the picture before was not of the baby it was a picture of the sac. Today we actually got to see the baby! It was exciting.So here is baby's 1st picture!!! My mom went with me to my appt. We did receive some great news. It turns out that I have a blood clot in my uterus that is causing me to bleed. It has nothing to do with the baby and is not harmful to the baby. The clot will eventually pass. I was so relieved to hear that the baby was just fine and looked great. We heard the heartbeat at a steady 132 beats per minute. I am measuring at 6 weeks 4 days which puts my due date at OCTOBER 18th, 2009!!! My next doctor's appt is March 24th. I'll keep you all posted. As of now, things are great and we finally have an explanation for the bleeding! As far as the dates go.... I just must have had the date of my last period wrong because my HCG levels and the ultrasoud levels are both measuring up to 6 weeks. So that's what it is!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that everything is going well, what a relief!
